As an advertising agency, we spend a lot of our time sifting through stock images. There are just never enough stock images when you’re building websites or need backgrounds for graphics. As we’ve collected a huge amount of images, we’ve also come across some pretty ridiculous ones that we didn’t really understand. We want to share some of our favorite stock images so that you can be weirded out with us.
#10: The Vacuum Man
Luckily for us, this image popped up under searches that made sense – carpet cleaning. However, this model and this vacuum are screaming the 80s so hard, we’re not sure when this image would ever be useful. Ever see anyone hold a vacuum with such intensity?
#9: The lady in the car seat, but not in a car
We came across this image while searching for content for a mover website. First of all, why is she buckled in? She’s not going anywhere on that white background. Second off, are you supposed to cut this out and place it on something else to make it look normal?
#8: The old lady on a knee
This photo was found during our search for cosmetic dermatology. One can only guess that the face on the knee is a visual representation of the pain this person’s knee is probably having, but it’s a pretty weird image. It made most of the designers pretty uncomfortable to say the least.
#7: The man in the plant pot
There really doesn’t seem to be any words to explain how strange this image is. We came across this one in a search for “natural products” and we were pretty impressed by this result. We will definitely be using this in our high end spa brochure…totally.
#6: The prom clones on a rooftop
We found this image on a search for air conditioning imagery and this one just gets weirder the more you look at it. Why are these women so nicely dressed to pose with air conditioners? Why are they posing with air conditioners in the first place? Why are there so many of them? What the heck are we supposed to use this image for!?! Yeah…we don’t know either.
#5: The Santa Archer
We’re pretty open when it comes to creativity, but we seriously could not figure out what you would be using this poorly dressed, everyday archer Santa for. It’s just kind of out there.
#4: The Glass Slipper Scooter
This image is really all over the place. Not only did this photo pop up under the “motorcycle” search, it just doesn’t make any sense. Why is she in a glass slipper with wheels. Why is she a ballerina? Why is there a fluffy cat crossing the street? How is any of this related? Please send help.
#3: The blue tomato man
You might not believe it, but this photo was found when searching for “beauty”. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what was the inspiration behind this image? And more importantly, what on earth would you use this image for to begin with?
#2: Playing the piano man
This photo is just too much. The realism makes it seem like a scary movie poster or something. It’s very out there and we’re just curious on what inspired this artist.
And finally, our pick for the most awkward stock photo is…Unexpected Meeting on a Beach
The best part of this image is its title. This is a very unexpected meeting to say the least and this horse head with no arms and human legs is really freaking everybody out. This is DEFINITELY the weirdest photo we’ve found in our searches and that seems to be pretty uncontested.
We hope you enjoyed 5 minutes out of the office, laughing at strange images with us. We’d love to continue to collect images for future Awkward stock image blogs. If you find any weird images in your searches, be sure to tweet us!